Maribel's Story
Type 1 Diabetes is difficult to manage at any age, but 13-year-old Maribel was having a particularly hard time. Her condition became even more complicated as she battled depression, resulting in a significant impact on her ability to attend school and focus on completing her work.
Hayley's Story
Hayley, a single mother expecting twins, was put on bed rest due to complications with her pregnancy. As a result, Hayley lost her job and fell behind in her rent. She was unexpectedly hospitalized and her twins were born at 22 weeks, requiring a lengthy hospital stay.
Julia's Story
Julia and her children were making multiple visits to their pediatrician due to breathing issues and skin rashes. The sewage in their rented home had backed up into their basement on several occasions and their pediatrician advised Julia that they should not stay in the home.
Kiesha's Story
Because she was failing in school and having disciplinary problems, 10-year-old Kiesha and her mother were referred to ABLE’s Medical-Legal Partnership for Children by her pediatrician.
Jack's Story
Baby Jack was born prematurely and needed medicine to prevent a life-threatening disease called respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). According to Jack’s healthcare provider, he already contracted bronchiolitis and was especially at risk for RSV.
Michael's Story
At first, Michael’s grand mal seizures, constant dehydration and two bleeding, acute ulcers were manageable for his mother, Grace, but as his needs increased it was not easy to constantly care for him on her own.
Daisy's Story
Thirteen-year-old Daisy suffers medical and behavioral complications as a result of her multiple disabilities, which include Autism, Crohn’s Disease, and Epilepsy.
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